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Welcome to the

ANAI Community

By 2030, AI will add $15.7 trillion to the global economy, according to PWC. At the same time, according to Gartner, 80% of AI and ML initiatives fail to produce value.

Putting these two factors together, we estimate that there is a $12 trillion or more opportunity to protect and enhance the value of AI and machine learning in the global economy.

drawbacks of ai

As a member of this community, there are multiple ways you can help:


Publish and Manage Content

  • Create Content on AI and ML. Share your experience, thought leadership and practical insights.
  • Identify the use case on how AI and ML can be use and how ANAI can help.
  • Publish your code, notebook, or analysis on a platform like Kaggle using ANAI’s Open-Source.

Brand Ambassadors and Evangelist

  • Advocate, educate and promote AI&ML and show how ANAI can help in practical scenarios.
  • Help build ANAI community across the world, bring awareness and help people on AI & ML.
  • Plan, organize and execute Hackathons, Meet Ups and other community-based activities.

Coding and Feature Contribution

  • Identify and suggest new features, and build them to be part of Open-Source. initiatives.
  • Work towards bug fixes and issues associated with our open-source library.
  • Test our platform, take it to its limits and identify how to make it scalable and resilient.

What is in it for you?

  • Be an open source contributor, to learn and improve, and be a part of something more.
  • Contribution towards a purpose and good cause. We want to apply AI towards NetZero and contribute towards Sustainable Future for Current and Future Generations.
  • Be in the network of experts, influencers and policy makers when it comes to AI and ML.
  • Get ANAI credits and Swags.
  • Mentor, Coach and continue to learn and advance in your journey.
  • Be a part of hackathons, organize and judge them.

Interested in exploring various Community Roles, and make impact?
Let’s join hands to "Democratize AI for all, for good!"

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