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Using ANAI, citizen data scientists and other developers with limited macahine learning expertise can easily ingest data, generate insights and build/train ML models.

potential use cases

AI in Insurance


Provide additional insights into the underwriting process by extracting relevant data from customers’ social media, reviews, and other online activities to build more personalized policies for consumers based on their individual lifestyles.


Verify claims using an AI-based system for damage estimation by comparing images of similar damage in the past, checking for the authenticity and validity, and speeding up the reimbursement process.

AI customer assistance

Cut operation costs by 30% and help give around-the-clock customer service and assistance using AI-based customer helpdesk.

Customer Churn Analysis

Detect customer churn early on by utilizing data on consumers and deploying various strategies beforehand to understand the customer needs and solve them.


challenges found

our platform

With ANAI, Build The Best AI Solutions

  • Explainability within its AI models is one of the main features that ANAI possesses and using it explanations can be generated for the model's working so that anyone from the customers to the top-level executives can understand and trust the model.
  • ANAI's data pipeline enables quick and easy processing of data, from data ingestion to getting a health score for the data to producing insights on the data automatically. This also ensures that the data remains enclosed and that privacy and security are always maintained.
  • Transparency and responsibility by the AI system help customers and the stakeholders to have faith in the model's decisions and ANAI's RAI-based solutions help with achieving just that.

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